The Local Currency Network


To know more...

Good reads


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Community Currency Guide

by Bernard Lietaer and Gwendolyn Hallsmith

What is a community currency? What are they for? What types? This guide assembles all you need to know to set up a community currency.

Mapping Economic Resilience 

by Tony Greenham, Elizabeth Cox and Josh Ryan-Collins (2013)

A report conducted by the new economic foundation which examines the concept of economic resilience as the framing for a new social change programme, and considers how such a programme should be constructed in relation to other organisations and interventions operating in the field.



Money and Sustainability - The Missing Link

by Bernard Lietaer, Christian Arnsperger, Sally Goerner and Stefan Brunnhuber (2012)

Bernard Lietaer, author, financial expert, and co-designer of the ECU (the monetary mechanism that later became the euro) presented compelling arguments to show that there is a structural flaw in the current monetary system that generates all the current problems and repeated financial and monetary crises, including the eurozone crisis. It is also ecologically unsustainable as it encourages climate change and over-consumption.

  Scientific articles

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Local Money – A Response to the Globalisation of Capital?

Pacione, 2011. Quaestionaes Geographicae 30(4)

This paper identifies the local impacts of economic globalisation, examines the underlying causes of the global financial crisis, explains the nature of money, and illustrates the goals and different forms of local money. Finally, the potential value of local currencies as a response to the globalisation of capital is assessed. 

Local Currency: Policy barriers and support

Mauldin, 2015. Journal of community practice

This paper examines local currency from a community development perspective, reviews the policy environment in the United States, and identifies policy changes that can support local currencies. Four major types of local currency – proxy, fiat, local exchange trading systems, and time banks – are described. Federal policy barriers in the U.S. Constitution, statutes, and tax regulations as well as state prohibitions to local currency are examined. 

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LoCNet is a non profit organisation loi 1901 n° W313034062