The Local Currency Network

Local Currencies

What are they ?

A local currency is a currency recognised for use in a specific area to complement a national currency. They are used within a local community as an incentive to promote the local economy, locally owned businesses and short supply-chains. Their usage is mainly based on agreement between the parties exchanging the currency. They are usually designed for purchasing goods or services and not for savings. In this regard, many of those currencies are designed to lose value with time. Therefore, their circulation rate is usually higher than national currencies.



Partial decoupling from globalized economy

Use oriented and inflation resistant instead of profit oriented and inflation prone

Economically resilient instead of cyclic recessions

Foster equality

Promote community and cultural identity

Democratic and Transparent instead of central control and blurred circulation

Prevent overexploitation of resources by encouraging their local extraction and use

Reduction of greenhouse gas

Contact info :

LoCNet is a non profit organisation loi 1901 n° W313034062