The Local Currency Network


The Project

What is the Local Currency Network?

The Local Currency Network is a non-profit organisation implemented to improve our understanding of complementary currencies (local currencies, cryptocurrencies, etc), and foster their development. In this regard, we are collecting data and building partnerships with diverse institutions : universities, buisnesses, non-governmental organisations and municipalities.

Our Vision


Our future has never been so uncertain. The current economy based on growth on a planet with limited resources is at the root of the environmental crises, questioning our way of life. 

Our daily consumption affects the global climate, soil, air and water quality, increasing the environmental crises, leading to species depletion. Therefore, food security, water availability and population health are seriously threatened. In order to buffer the effects of climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss in our daily life, we need to urgently recouple the economy with environmental sustainability. 

Incorporating local monetary systems to complement the current economy can be part of the solution. Several initiatives that launched such monetary systems are already in place, promoting an ideal of equality, justice, democracy and environmentally responsible existence. We want to encourage these initiatives for a better future.


To allow for change, we need new narratives. Several stories already exist through citizen initiatives. They just need to be heard.
Our mission is to encourage such narratives to develop and engage with governmental, academic and business structures to help recouple our social, economic, environmental and political domains.

We aim to


Develop indicators to select the economical models that are the most «Economically, Socially and Environmentally sustainable»


Explore the diversity of complementary currency initiatives by the development of a database and promote the successful stories towards citizens, policy makers and municipalities


 Provide baselines for the most promising alternative economic models


Create a label «Economically, Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Town»


Build an effective coalition network to foster change

Who we are

Administrative Board

Nils Ahlers


CEO of Future Energy Trading

Ekamagda Febriani


Managing Director of the Indonesian German Institute

Executive Board


Roxanne Leberger

Executive Director

PhD degree in conservation ecology

Data Analyst


Raphaël Lallement


PhD degree in artificial intelligence

Research Engineer at CEA

Contact info :

LoCNet is a non profit organisation loi 1901 n° W313034062