The Local Currency Network




10 years after the emergence of the first complementary currency in France, there are now 82 of them! 10,000 companies and associations and 35,000 citizen-consumers are involved.

For the first time, an in-depth study has made it possible to measure the concrete impact of these currencies in five dimensions through a survey panel:

Citizenship: 66% of members no longer consider economic issues to be dark Solidarity: mutual aid between members of the network and social integration of people in difficulty

Ecology: 69% of members have increased their consumption of local products and sell less often in large areas

The economy and local dynamics of transition: 45% of professional members have strengthened their links with local players (companies, associations, local authorities, etc.). ..

Findings that show how local currencies contribute to strengthening the impact of good practices !

Thousands of local complementary currencies exist around the world. 

These currencies are recognized in a restricted area and are used as an incentive to empower the local economy. Most of the time, they are created by civil societies and they have their own specificities. 

Local currencies represent a powerful tool, as they have the capacity to shift the economy towards a sustainable way of life.

However, there are no means to study their economical, social and environmental effectiveness, as there is no data collection that references them on a global scale. Thus, this is our main mission, to further enable the establishment of efficient sustainable alternative economies.

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Contact info :

LoCNet is a non profit organisation loi 1901 n° W313034062