The Local Currency Network

Local Currencies for Businesses

Local Currencies support local businesses by:

  • Encouraging residents and visitors to shop in local independent stores
  • Supporting the diversity and richness of Local Currencies independent traders, producers and local suppliers
  • Keeping money circulating locally rather than leaking out through chain stores
  • Encouraging local supply chains
  • Helping cut CO2 emissions by reducing transport costs and encouraging the use of more local suppliers

What Local Businesses can do with Local Currencies

  • Offer incentives to encourage shoppers
  • Use the Local Currency to promote yourself
  • Give the Local Currency out in change, encouraging repeat visits
  • Pay local suppliers
  • Keep the Local Currency circulating to support the local economy by using it in local shops, pub/cafés, cinema/theater
  • Account for the Local Currency in exactly the same way as the National Currency
  • Exchange the Local Currency into the National Currency at any of the issuing points

Contact info :

LoCNet is a non profit organisation loi 1901 n° W313034062